Tuesday, April 13, 2010

My Neighborhood

Today Post:Expalin what your neighborhood looks like and what it's like to live there.*Provide details. *Discuss wether or not it's worth fighting for...If it is explain why... ...If it is'nt ,anwser this question;Shouls we make things better at home, Do weowe it to anybody to make things better? If you can, included a picture to go along with your post

My neighborhood looks like a normal subherb place to live. Lots of houses,sores,and cars. Most people are friendly, but not all. It's ok to live here, but not alot of excitement but it's fun. Somtimes it gets very boring and there's nothing to do, but you just call a friend up and take a walk or somthing.I'm not sure that I would really fight for my town because I dont really like it here. I rather live in a moe exciting place, with lots more to do. Things that could help improve the neighborhood, would be more stores, or jobs, moving the stores closer.More side walks, and buildings.Making it what the community and the people of the community need, being that we have to live there. We owe it to the people that own the community, and also the people that live in the community to make it better.

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