Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Is it ever OK to invade someone's privacy -for a parent to snoop, go through a child's text messages, etc. -for a concerned friend to look into another's personal life? Me personally think that it is ok for a parent to go through there childs stuff depending the situation.For an example,if your mom happen to barrow your phone an somthing happen to appear on it then I would think they would approach you about it because it may not be thr right thing that you should be getting yourself into. But if your over the age of 18 and your doin your own thing,paying your own bills than I think you have the rite to do what ou want without having to worry about your parents invading your private space. Somtimes when a friend is concern they tend to maybe snoop to much into your life. Maybe its because they care but the situation may not be somthing you want them worring about. Most of the time they do it because they really do care. On the other hand they makke things worse then they already are. Sometimes tryn to help sombody is not always the best idea maybe just laying low ands watching there back is good but in the end you may find out somthing that yuou really didnt need too know that may get you in some troble. My advise would be just know your limits". Sometimes to much help adds fuel too the fire.So for my conclusion you should just know what your getting yourself into if you want to help, an for people who like to snoop just have a good explanation for it. its not good to snoop but if it is for a good reason I hope its worth it in the end.

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